Saturday, January 22, 2022

Days 6-10: Nourish and Notice, Letting Go of Expectations

 Well. Good intentions and all that. Here I am, day 10, and rather behind! Well, one thing I'm going to notice today is that I'm tired of beating myself up, because then I'm beaten up and the original problem is still a problem.

So, a little catch up!

Day 5: Hit the sofa. I really felt crummy, and though I was better than before, I was more fatigued than before. Instead of fighting it, I curled up in my sweatpants, drank gallons of hot tea, napped, read. It was what I needed! Nourishing my body was good for me, and instead of pushing through and making myself worse, I relaxed. There is quiet joy in that.

Day 7: Back to work. At last! And the kids sent me nice notes saying they'd missed me, and they worked hard, and I felt like I was where I belonged. It was quite a shift to work 9 hours after days of nothingness, but I managed, and I was proud of myself. I really didn't want to walk Chance after work - all I wanted was sleep - but I managed, and his gratitude (jumping up and down over and over - his glee and anticipation at the walk was truly joyful, and I shared in his joy).

Day 8: Gettin' her done. I put in a hard day's work, helped a ton of kids, had an after work meeting, and made it through. Proud of that again! I got into the car exhausted, but refused to give in to it, and managed to run a number of errands after work, before coming home and making sure Chance got another good walk. His joy was unfettered again, and truly made me giggle.

Day 9: Getting my girl. I got to work by 6:30, managed a meeting before work, and busted my butt until the last kid left at 4pm, and then I went to get Tessa from CWU. The ride there was surprisingly beautiful - the sunset was gorgeous, pink, clear skies, sparkling snow, and the tips of the mountains were bathed in golden light. I listened to music as I drove, and felt in the moment, glad to be on my way. When I got there, I finally met Tessa's roommate in person (a lovely person), then Tessa and I drove home and she was full of warmth, chatty, excited about her classes. She's finding her way at last and I am so happy for her - so grateful that she is choosing to try, choosing to commit to the process, finding her happiness again.

Day 10: Ticking off my list. Today I did a bunch of chores - things I didn't want to do, like vacuuming and cleaning the toilet and folding laundry - and ran errands around the Junction. I love my little village on the edge of my big city: the bakery is amazing, the lady at the post office is kind and thoughtful, and the park where I walk Chance is so wonderful (and I got to see a seal pup, fat and gray, once again today). Now I'm having a couple of quiet hours, and then Tessa and Noah will come back with the takeout I paid for, we'll eat, and then we'll bring our dessert down to the beach. I bought paper lanterns to light and send out over the water, just like in Tessa's favorite Disney movie ("Tangled"). We already wrote our wishes for Tessa on their paper sides, and I look forward to munching on a cupcake, sipping hot tea, as they float high above us. Tessa liked the idea, too, and it's nice to be able to give her a little surprise, to see her get excited even in the time of coronavirus when we are so cautious at home.

Tomorrow I'll write again, but today I'm catching up. letting go of the hope that I'd ponder brilliantly, and instead, I'm just taking a little time to notice those things in my life that bring joy. It's imperfect, but it's still good.

And now? I'm tired, resting up with a little Gilmore Girls before Tessa and Noah return. Best show ever! <3

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