Monday, January 17, 2022

Day 4: Nourish & Notice - Healing

 Dear Reader,

I have been fighting something like omicron (but maybe not omicron - my home tests were negative) for a week as of today. But this morning...I feel it lifting, and I feel so much better! 

To nourish joy today I finally left the house (to do a PCR test, but still!). I went for a walk in the forest near my home, taken the lesser-traveled paths, and veering onto a new path each time a person might come by, and I kept my KF94 on. But I got outside, and felt the soft loam of the forest floor underneath my sneakers, and it felt so good to leave the house.

I spend a lot of time loving my house and feeling grateful for it, but this house and I have been spending too much time together, and it's hard to have a joyful reunion if we're always together. Leaving for a bit makes me remember the world awaiting me. I've been curled in on myself during this pandemic, my world shrinking to such a small space, and today I'm dreaming of adventures yet to come. I can't wait to go backpacking this summer, to dive into alpine lakes, to stretch my legs long despite a heavy pack, to sleep under stars inhaling the deep scent of pine, fir, cedar. Today's little walk was a reminder that those things will come back, that it won't be like this - inside, sick, frustrated - forever.

I also nourished joy by making a crock pot full of garbanzo bean curry to enjoy for dinner tonight. I added to the spices in the recipe - bright red chili peppers, a curled stick of cinnamon, a little cumin - and took joy in the bright colors of the vegetables (golden peppers, bright carrots, purple onion, yellow potatoes, white garlic) on the bamboo cutting board; the bright blue enameled pot sitting on the stove (soaking the beans) never fails to cheer me up.

And then I wrote a half dozen cards for friends: a letter to Tessa reflecting on this stage of our lives; little notes for a couple of her friends (living far from home this year for the first time, and they are part of my community, too), a friend experiencing illness, a friend with a new job, a friend who did me a favor. I have a little secretary with a fold out desk and bins at the back where I store the accoutrements of letter writing: a tin of pens, a stack of stamps, and a wide selection of cards just waiting for the perfect occasion. When a person in my life has an event, large or small, it's so fun for me to flip through cards to find the one right for them, and to have a sort of mis en place for letter writing. I write these notes and letters in order to nourish my friends, but it is not lost on me that it nourishes me just as much (or more) to sit and reflect upon the good people in my life, the passage of time with them, the ways in which they have been there for me and the ways in which I aspire to be there for them.

Noticing joy - well, I must admit that it's been a little tougher as I've been solo and sick. But the purpose of this blog is to remind myself, so...

I noticed that my crazy dog is calming down, and we walked by several dogs today without him barking and losing his mind. Ahhh - it IS possible!

I noticed that my crazy dog took short work of walking in mud, then all over my new-ish white running shoes, and that now they are imprinted with memories of our many walks together. These are shoes for living, not fashion, so as he dances so near to me to be on me, I will take the reminder of his joy in being outside and exercising as my own.

I noticed that man who checked me in, and the lady who did my PCR test, were kind and patient.

And... I've been avoiding something for too long, and today I feel strong enough to tackle it. I'm anticipating that tomorrow I will be able to write about that, but for today, I'll just hint that I am feeling more determined and capable than I have in a while, and that hopefulness is joyful.

And while I'm just being a bit obscure, I'll add one more hint: I have an instinct that my daughter is going through something big and a bit scary right now, but that she is okay, and that this is a part of who she is becoming and who she is meant to be, and that in addition to the end of something it might be the beginning of something wonderful. Fingers crossed that I am right about the happy ending on this. It's all instinct, but I trust my instincts, so I am sitting this one and waiting for new information and clarity.

I notice that my instincts are good, so when they're loud like this, I listen. I like this about myself, although it's a bit strange. It pops up at random times, and I can't control it, but when my body talks this loudly I listen, and I've learned to trust it. Only time will reveal the truth, but I'm noticing this part of myself and joyful at the message that all is going to be well.

Okay, I've got a job to tackle, and it's time for me to get going. That's all for today - see you tomorrow!

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