Sunday, January 16, 2022

Day 3: Nourish and Notice, Creative Pursuits

Dear Reader,

I'm going to have to get real to begin today: my pursuit of joy is off to a bumpy start. The bug that took me down last Monday night is not going away, and I can hardly believe how frustrating it is! Headache + nausea + sore throat is not something I enjoy, and it does not inspire me towards joy.

However, I figure this is just a chance to double down on my commitment. Nothing like a challenge, right?

So here we go:

Today I nourished joy by being a teensy bit creative. I ordered a cross stitch kit earlier this week, even though I've never done anything like that in my life, and even though I need to put a stitch in my bathrobe (and have needed to do so for about a month), even though "the domestic arts" like sewing, knitting, quilting, scrapbooking are generally not my thing. Even though I have no energy from being sick, and a to-do list that is really kind of extraordinary (and growing as I miss time from work).

But I've been loving it.

I picked a sweet little pattern of cherry blossoms and leaves with a  pair of little songbirds sitting on one branch. It's mostly pinks and soft greens, and the palette is soothing, and it reminds me of Tessa because she loves cherry blossoms even more than I do, and the little avian pair looks loving and happy. I let it sit for a couple days after receiving it, because, frankly, despite the soothing palette, it was intimidating. There are a half dozen or more types of stitches, more than twenty colors of thread, and directions in little tiny font. Who does this for fun?! This is a beginner kit?

But today I decided that if I had to be housebound for another day, I needed to try something creative, and I didn't have the energy to work on my book, so I dove in.

I started small, with the outline stitch. Each leave (more than 50) has a little dash of veins through the middle, in the outline stitch, so I grabbed the deep olive green and learned that each "floss" has six threads, and that different stitches use different numbers of threads. Having figured this out, I started.

My stitches are a bit wobbly and uneven. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. I already did one leaf in the wrong shade of green.

And yet... 

I like what I'm creating.
I'm already improving.
It's meditative.
I feel connected with hundreds of years of women who, denied the workplace or "manly" creative pursuits, used needlepoint in order to express themselves.

I keep thinking about Jane Austen and her novels, with women sitting in the corners, biding their time (and how likely Elizabeth Bennett couldn't care less to do such things). I keep thinking that if there was a house full of men in 1800, I could sit quietly and stitch leaves and petals and songbirds into being, and allow my mind to wander, and listen to what they said, and learn about their goings on and the worlds forbidden to women, and I'm glad to feel this connection to my female ancestors, and I'm also glad that soon enough I will leave the house to live in the big world, not trapped into needlework but choosing it as one of many diversions.

I keep thinking about how my mind got quieter as I stitched, and how learning a new skill is kind of fun. I am thinking about how allowing myself to be creatively silly - this will never end up in an art gallery, and perhaps I'm the only one who will ever notice it - is actually really joyful. There is no audience except myself, and there is no mission except to allow myself to get caught up in the moment.

So today I nourished joy quietly, and started a little creative project just for myself. If I ever finish it (I'm telling myself "no pressure" as the journey is more important than the destination) I will hang it up on my wall near my bed so I can look at it and think, "Hey! I did that!" and so I might just see it through.

And as for noticing joy? That one was much easier to grab onto today.

My friend knew that I was sick, and asked if I needed anything - and she meant it. I texted her a little Trader Joe's list along with my gratitude, and a few hours later the necessary supplies showed up on my front porch. (Dear fellow West Seattleites: I love you and I do not plan to get you sick, even if it's not covid, so I'm staying home and away from grocery stores.)

Isn't it lovely to have friends who do things like that? When I first got sick, another friend delivered me soup, bread, salad, dessert, and a magazine with a sweet note. If I need anything, a half dozen people would be willing to help me without blinking, no questions asked. I know this about my life, and I appreciate it more than I can say.

I ventured out for a little walk with Chance (mask on, and far from Lincoln Park because there are always lots of folks there) and he was so joyful to leave the house at last. He is so easy to make happy - such a sweet pup, for all of his bouncing and craziness. I'm so glad he's in my life. We only went a mile when he really needed many miles, but today was an improvement over yesterday so we'll take the win.

I've been alone all week except for Chance, but I'm not lonely. This too shall pass, and my phone beeps with little messages from friends, so I never feel totally alone even when I am.

I just put fresh sheets on the bed (after a week of being sick it was time) and I absolutely love the bliss of a freshly bathed body slipping into fresh sheets. The simplest of pleasures and I get excited every time!

It's time for me to make another cup of tea with lemon and honey (lemon and honey were in that care package, but I have enough tea to make it for months!), so I'll stop here. There will be more joy to notice tomorrow...and my fingers are crossed that such joys include a disappearing headache and a throat that doesn't scratch! 

PS It feels like cheating, but writing this is its own form of joy. I'm glad I decided to do this, even when "Dear Reader" might just be me! I need to remind myself of joy, and how it exists even in my imperfect life. I haven't been seeking it enough lately, and I'm determined to do better at that. This blog is a great accountability partner. Day three and going strong - only 362 days to go!

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