Wednesday, March 18, 2020

More real by the minute

Tessa and I have been socially isolated in a self-imposed quarantine since Sunday.

Saturday seems like it was a million years ago.

We have not yet found the rhythm of our days. My mind is racing with the drumbeat of coronavirus, like a chant that never stops. My computer and phone keep buzzing with the latest news of the latest shutdowns, closures, changed plans, cancellations, warnings, layoffs.

Was it really only two weeks ago that I felt silly buying extra groceries? I don't feel so silly now. I bought extra TP then and tucked it into a cupboard, and now TP is impossible to get. (Amazon Fresh isn't delivering. The grocery stores are always out. The online grocery delivery has no toilet paper available, and they keep delaying my delivery days out.)

I need to do an attitude reset.

I've been obsessing about this, fearful, watching the news non-stop, with updates distracting me from the business of living. No more.

Whatever happens will happen, whether I'm obsessing about it or not. It's time for me to take some deep breaths, and dive into a new routine in my life.

It's time for me to take some control. I left school at about 4pm Friday, five days ago, and five days of spinning is doing me no good at all. RESET!

I want to be a center of positivity in my own life, as well as others. Tessa follows my guidance. I have the opportunity to help others -my students, neighbors, friends - by modeling healthy behaviors.

I'll come back to this; right now I'm going to make a plan.

It's time to get real about this being my new life for a while, and to make it the best life I can.

Here we go!

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