Monday, October 21, 2024

Synchronicities and Signs

 Lately, I get signs everywhere I go - repeated patterns offered to me by the world, messages from something outside me, often clear as a bell.

I have weeks where I see bald eagles all the time, even over the freeway on the way to work, and one week not one but two of them (on different occasions) swooped down low over my car, making me shrink back in my seat behind the steering wheel, glancing up in amazement and then giggling once the shock had passed. Power. Joy. Possibility.

And then there are weeks when everywhere I go I see feathers. Foot long black and white ones on the beach, coming in with the tide. Sleek crow feathers on every block. A beautiful pure white feather, at least eight inches long. Feathers on the ground, feathers drifting toward me in the wind. A reminder to be light, to keep it light? To let dreams take wings?

For years, I've found more four leaf clovers than just about anyone. I think about a friend who is having a problem, or my own wishes, and I make a wish, then look down... and four leaf clovers appear. When I've said this to friends they have often said, "uh huhhh, suuuuuure" until I've said "give me a minute to show you!" and they they've watched me find them their own four leaf clovers. Surely, this is a sign of my own good fortune.

And then I read a book that had hints of the book I'm working on, and, quite surprised, I thought, "Oh! There IS a market for this!" I don't know why I picked up that book, it wasn't what I was looking for, but then... there it was, a message clear as day.

And then the right person comes at the right time, with the right words.

And just when I thought that I wouldn't know how to pay for Tessa's fifth year of college, a job opportunity.... teaching creative writing! ... on top of my regular contract just dropped into my lap. Presto, college paid for, and now I'm being paid to research and teach creative methods. Fabulous!

I'm getting used to seeing the signs, to noticing the synchronicities. I'm on week 10 of The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, and she suggests that creatives look for them, look for the signs of the Universe sending messages...

... and the messages keep appearing.

The question is not if they are real. The question is, will I pay attention?

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In "The Prophecy" Taylor Swift sings, "And I look unstable/gathered with a coven 'round a sorceress' table" and....