Thursday, April 2, 2020

How long?

Day 18 in social isolation/voluntary quarantine/stay at home/ stay-home-stay-safe.

How long is this going to last?

When school shut down, they declared things closed until April 27.

The President is now saying that the social distancing needs to go through April 30.

Arizona schools just closed through the end of the year.

Our superintendent (OSPI's Reykdal) has mentioned "into the fall" several times.

I'm waiting for new news today, as they have announced that Trump is going to release the COVID-19 infection and fatality predictions. With that, I anticipate learning more about when this might stop. But I fear that none of the predictions or shut-downs so far is the truth, and that truth is that this could go on for a very. long. time.

What is a very long time? A year? I don't even know.

What I know is this:

The best way to save live is for me to sit in my house, using WiFi for connection, eating good food, reading, doing crafts, watching movies, and working in my home office. I can go for walks or runs, do yoga (despite the fact that my dog just ate my yoga mat....yes, really). I can have virtual happy hours. I can garden. I can order things I need online (like a new yoga mat). I can go to the grocery store, wearing one of my new face masks from Etsy, once a week (or less).

This is hard. I don't like it. Sometimes I'm lonely, often I'm bored, even though there is plenty to do.

But I am incredibly lucky, and I am not going to squander my good fortune by risking getting sick or making others sick. If this lasts a month or a year, it's my job to take advantage of my good fortune and make the best of it.

But how?

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